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Explore our special reports for workplace guidance and solutions from foremost industry experts.

Prevention is Where Primary Care Should Start

Is preventive primary care worth it? Although most of us would say yes, the reality is that preventive primary care suffers from considerable under-investment in the U.S.

In fact, preventive care is one of the most beneficial features of primary care in the U.S., but it’s subordinated and under-utilized. Primary care spending is well below other OECD nations, which translates to some key outcome differences in the population. Why is our current approach to primary care overly weighted toward sick care? Learn what we can do to create a healthy balance.

This white paper examines:

  • The unfortunate facts about primary care in the U.S.
  • How the avoidance of preventive care results in our
    poor health outcomes and high costs
  • Preventive care challenges physicians face

Prevention is Where Primary Care Should Start

Is preventive primary care worth it? Although most of us would say yes, the reality is that preventive primary care suffers from considerable under-investment in the U.S.

In fact, preventive care is one of the most beneficial features of primary care in the U.S., but it’s subordinated and under-utilized. Primary care spending is well below other OECD nations, which translates to some key outcome differences in the population. Why is our current approach to primary care overly weighted toward sick care? Learn what we can do to create a healthy balance.

This white paper examines:

  • The unfortunate facts about primary care in the U.S.
  • How the avoidance of preventive care results in our poor health outcomes and high costs
  • Preventive care challenges physicians face

How to Cultivate a Culture
of High-Engagement
Preventive Health

Research shows the positive benefits of preventive health on organizational culture, productivity and fostering a workforce that is healthy and happy.

Company leaders and CHROs are uniquely positioned to positively affect their employees’ lives 5 out of 7 days a week. What impact does your company’s culture have on them and what are you doing to improve it?

This white paper examines:

  • The High Cost of Stress and How it Relates to
    Chronic Diseases
  • The Risk Factors That Cost U.S. Employers About
    $36 Billion a Year
  • How Companies Can Help Employees Better
    Manage Stress

How to Cultivate a Culture of High-Engagement
Preventive Health

Research shows the positive benefits of preventive health on organizational culture, productivity and fostering a workforce that is healthy and happy.

Company leaders and CHROs are uniquely positioned to positively affect their employees’ lives 5 out of 7 days a week. What impact does your company’s culture have on them and what are you doing to improve it?

This white paper examines:

  • The High Cost of Stress and How it Relates to Chronic Diseases
  • The Risk Factors That Cost U.S. Employers About $36 Billion a Year
  • How Companies Can Help Employees Better Manage Stress

Does Preventive Healthcare
Make A Difference?

Making the Case for Preventive
Healthcare for Your Employees

People who have access to high-quality preventive care experience lower total healthcare costs, and better
manage their health over time.

Studies show that ample preventive care can delay the onset of chronic diseases and help those with already existing chronic diseases from getting sicker. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of the $3.8 trillion spent on healthcare in the U.S. goes toward treating chronic conditions and mental health.

This white paper examines:

  • How Companies Should Evaluate the Services
    and Programs They Choose
  • The Common Barriers in Implementing Effective
    Preventive Care
  • How to Develop a Culture that Supports Physical
    and Mental Health

Does Preventive Healthcare
Make A Difference?

Making the Case for Preventive Healthcare for Your Employees

People who have access to high-quality preventive care experience lower total healthcare costs, and better
manage their health over time.

Studies show that ample preventive care can delay the onset of chronic diseases and help those with already existing chronic diseases from getting sicker. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of the $3.8 trillion spent on healthcare in the U.S. goes toward treating chronic conditions and mental health.

This white paper examines:

  • How Companies Should Evaluate the Services and Programs They Choose
  • The Common Barriers in Implementing Effective Preventive Care
  • How to Develop a Culture that Supports Physical and Mental Health

Losing Employees to the
“Great Resignation”?

How Prioritizing Preventive
Healthcare and Benefits Can Help

A business that wants to beat the “Great Resignation” should have an integrated and holistic strategy that combines career management and talent with employee health and well-being.

A holistic prevention approach to workplace problems recognizes that an employee is the sum of everything that makes each person unique.

This white paper examines:

  • What’s Fueling the Great Resignation
  • How Prioritizing Prevention Can Help
  • The Top Predictors of Attrition

Losing Employees to the “Great Resignation”?

How Prioritizing Preventive
Healthcare and Benefits Can Help

A business that wants to beat the “Great Resignation” should have an integrated and holistic strategy that combines career management and talent with employee health and well-being.

A holistic prevention approach to workplace problems recognizes that an employee is the sum of everything that makes each person unique.

This white paper examines:

  • What’s Fueling the Great Resignation
  • How Prioritizing Prevention Can Help
  • The Top Predictors of Attrition

Learn how the Original Prevention Network can improve the health of your business.